
Posts Tagged ‘BP’

Barack Obama, 59 day’zed and confused

It took strong urging, sinking poll numbers, and a gathering sense of incompetence to force the President to address the nation last night. The Left had strong hopes that their “Reagan” (now considered their Ray Nagin) would come out swinging masterfully for the ropes, taking the reigns of leadership, and showing his “true grit”.

How do you say, “Epic Fail”? Just like that…and even MSNBC had to admit it, as evidenced by the above video.

When you have Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthiews saying…well almost…that you are incompetent, then you have problems. The President does have a problem, and it is that he is not a leader. He is a hopeless ideologue. Did he have answers to the problem? Of course not, he was selling carbon cap and trade and “pie in the sky” programs which will cost the nation trillions. In the end, it will not be sunshine heating your homes or filling your gas tanks.

Barack Obama comes from an insulated world of Chicago politics. He doesn’t see things as problems to be solved, but rather problems to be exploited. He does not understand how America works, or WHY it works. And as we know, something foreign is something often hated and feared.

In his place, one can envision Ronald Reagan taking the helm, calming the nation, stating his plan, and then acting on that plan. Surely, he would have used his power as President to sweep aside red tape and EPA regulations to do what had to be done. Obama cannot do that, it is tantamount to an admission that Government is secondary to private industry and entrepreneurship. A Ronald Reagan would be happy to meet with the best minds in private industry, and embraced the best ideas to solve the problem. To Mr Obama, this is a foreign idea; To the President, Govt is the God that must be honored–Individuals and individual ideas are to be ignored.

It is funny to watch the “tingle up the leg” Leftists on MSNBC contort in pain over the chosen one’s inability to channel “The Great Communicator”, but it is to be expected. Obama is not a great communicator, but rather the “Great speech reader”. He has not run a lemonade stand, he has not been at the helm of a corporation, a state, or had to make a budget work with limited resources.

The President will surely continue as he has always done: he will give speeches, he will try to figure out the exact combination of words (or should I say his speech writers will) to make Utopia seem real. And in this imaginary world that the President was taught about during his formative years, Marxism works, business is to be outlawed, and the individual ignored. The problem is that he is trying to prove something that has never been proved: Socialism is better than Capitalism.

Michael Savage was the first to compare Barack Obama to the “Emperor with no clothes” and I think this is a powerful comparison. Stripped of his teleprompter, his greek columns, and a sound system with ample reverb, we see him for who he is: A talker and utopian thinker. He cannot “plug the damn hole” or “suck up the oil with a straw” and nobody thinks he can. But Barack Obama thinks leadership is about demonizing his foes, nationalizing and consuming private fortunes, and honoring red tape over actual action.

The equation just doesn’t add up. The “naked emperor” cannot fix budget problems with more spending, he cannot fix problems with regulation, and he cannot solve energy problems by banning all energy sources save solar and wind. In his lack of details in last night’s speech, the President would have surely loved to talk about the movie “Avatar” and the incredible “unobtainium”, but even he and his speech writers know that the American people aren’t buying it.

In the final equation, words have little power when facing war, poverty, and natural and unnatural chaos. And sadly, the President is showing fear and anger behind his eyes, unwilling to ever admit how wrong everything he had ever been taught and regurgitated really is.


The Candy-coated President

Obama tours the carefully manicured Fourchon, La. beach. Who did the cleaning prior to his trip? His contributor, British Petroleum. Would the President have walked down an oil covered beach and gotten his shoes dirty? Signs point to no.

Aqua performing what could be Barack Obama’s theme song at this point. Enjoy!

His hair is always perfect, his shirts white and pressed, buttoned to the top. His complexion perfect from the application of skin creams, he walks the beach recently cleaned by hundreds of BP employees rushed there for his pleasure; this President seems to not like to get dirty. Can anyone see the President changing the oil on his car?

Beyond his apparent metrosexuality, Barack Obama also does not seem to like the “dirtiness” of dealing with people. Unlike George Bush, who spent his time cutting trees and clearing brush from his Texas land, or Ronald Reagan who enjoyed riding horses on his ranch, this President seems sealed in cellophane spiritually, emotionally, and politically. Unlike Bush, who went to ground zero after 9/11 and stood amidst he rubble with a megaphone, this would not be acceptable–Obama would need a professional audio system and teleprompter, and without one, he would feel such a speech as “beneath him”.

Barry doesn’t like to get dirty.

Sure, the President doesn’t have a problem misusing people or even destroying them if it meets his purpose. But it never seems that he wants to do it himself. This is why he has people like Raum Emmanuel. And I am sure that he doesn’t want the trouble of having to deal with selecting who gets axed and who doesn’t–he leaves it to others.

Barry’s first rule of fight club–let others fight in fight club.

During his time in Illinois’ State Senate, his most common vote was “present”. To take a stand or show leadership, at least at this point, seemed too troublesome.

Consider “Obamacare”: Sure, the President sold it, but he never seemed to care what was in it. He simply let others do that, it was too much trouble. As long as the overall bill was within his required standards of Marxism–he would support it. However, he never wanted to do more than give speeches. He didn’t want to have to deal with the “dirt” and never did.

Psychologists would say that Barry is suffering from “narcissistic personality disorder”, would you agree? The symptoms:

■ Believing that you’re better than others
■ Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
■ Exaggerating your achievements or talents
■ Expecting constant praise and admiration (Barry? no!)
■ Believing that you’re special and acting accordingly
Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
■ Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
■ Taking advantage of others
■ Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
■ Being jealous of others
■ Believing that others are jealous of you
■ Trouble keeping healthy relationships
■ Setting unrealistic goals
■ Being easily hurt and rejected
■ Having a fragile self-esteem (doesn’t like criticism)
■ Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

The President recently gave his first press conference in ten months, and even the press (who had given him a pass from “day one”) is beginning to see that the Emperor has no clothes. Obama doesn’t like to be challenged or questioned. It might make him feel “dirty”.

The term used to be called “Candy-ass”, but in reverance for the office of President, I will simply say that the President is “candy-coated”. And beneath that thin candy coating seems to be a man who cannot understand his common man. He seems to be the same sort of automaton that he asked his supporters to be, but with a belief he is the messiah of Marxism.

Am I the only one who longs for the days of “real men” and “real” Americans? The John Wayne’s, the Teddy Roosevelt’s, the George Washington’s and General George Patton’s? Surely these men would be comfortable enough in their own skin to lead rather than be led, and to act for the good of country, with the humility to know that most things are greater than their own egos.

The candy shell for all it’s sticky sweetness–seems to be cracking.
