
Posts Tagged ‘David Shuster’

They love us, they really love us!

February 9, 2010 1 comment

Umm, no actually they don’t.

In a recent comment to Bill O’Reilly on the “O’Reilly Factor”, Bill Salmon expresses what we already know, the “mainstream” media hates the tea party movement almost as much as they do Sarah Palin.

But what is hilarious is that on “Morning Joe” this morning, Joe Scarborough and his crew were denying it. Strange, don’t you think?
Do they really think we are that stupid? I assume they think we are the troglodytes that they assume we are. But we do watch them and know what they say.

Perhaps you remember the commentary by MSNBC’s David Shuster:

David Shuster who on April 13, accused the protesters of “going nuts for it” and “whip[ping] out the festivities”; wanting to “give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending.” He argued that “the people who came up with it are a familiar circle of Republicans including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, both of whom have firm support from right wing financiers and lobbyists.” and that “the Fox News Channel, including Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, both are looking forward to an up close and personal taste of teabagging themselves.” He concluded, saying that “If you are planning simultaneous teabagging all around the country, you’re going to need a Dick Armey

How infantile, you must agree. And it didn’t stop with this simpleton, but was latched onto by Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. Combined they must have said “teabagger” in some different form at least 100 times each. No wonder they have absolutely no ratings.

Even Anderson Cooper got the memo:

“It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.”

Cooper went on to apologize for the statement, but the damage had been done, both to his credibility and to his ratings. Sorry, Anderson, we don’t get mad, we get even.

To think that these people, after all this, would now sheepishly say that they really really like us, is pitiful.

We will not forget, we will not tire, and we will work until the people that you helped elect are gone.

Or put simply,

“Let them know fear”
