
Archive for March, 2010

Surprise! Obama not really a Constitutional law Professor

Much of Barack Obama’s life has been criticized as a Sham, and his actions seem to constantly reinforce people’s suspicions, be they real or fictitious.

Just look at the case of the “Birthers” who believe that Barack Obama was not born in the USA and hence is unable to hold that office. The Birthers should be a group that would be easy to shut up, simply put out your birth certificate to be examined by the media. The President has still not done this. He seems convinced that the word of a couple of Hawaiian croneys should be enough. They have sealed his records and refuse to let anyone look at them, stating it is for reasons of “identity theft”. Does anyone really think you could get away with pretending to be Barack Obama? Seriously?

The fact that the President’s greatest “Birther” detractor is a Democrat doesn’t help either, or that he has defended these records at the cost of over $200,000.

Just end this, Mr President. Shut them all up and get on with your failed Presidency. Why not?

The issue of the President’s college records are also up for speculation.
Perhaps the fact that “Dumb George Bush” had better grades at Yale than Al Gore and John Kerry make him worry.

What is more concerning is the fact that the Professors that Barrack Obama worked with state he was “never a Professor of Law”, and it also appears that he never published any while at Harvard, as would be required of an actual Editor of the Harvard Law Review, a position he appears to actually HAVE held.

Barack Obama seems to be a living sealed document, his only true records of achievement being his two autobiographies, and many believe he did not even write those.

And how was he viewed by his colleagues during his years as “Professor”? According to the highest tenured member of the Chicago Law school:

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).

It seems that Barack Obama truly is a “self-made” man, or rather he made himself up.


Global Warming Activist Freezes in Antarctica (Updated)

(Core story retracted by the media: While reported by many news organizations, including ecological websites, it appears that this individual did not actually die in Antarctica–I do stand by the rest of my comments, however)

This is too ironic to ignore. But it isn’t the first time that one of the “Greens” has gone to one of the two poles and found out it was not the expected sultry 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Dog sled “musher” Will Steger had a similar, if less tragic experience years ago. Did he learn? These type rarely do.

According to a story by Fox News, James Sneider and a Journalist friend talked about going to document the “devastation” of Global warming, but did not even disclose the details to his own wife:

“He kept talking about when they ‘get down to chili’, and I thought they were talking about the order in which they would consume their food supplies”, Mrs. Schneider recounted. “I had no idea they were talking about Chile, the country from which you usually fly or sail in order to reach Antarctica.”

Again, not smart. I constantly have to question the intelligence of these “Professors” of Climate Change, who are apparently completely unaware that temperatures in Antarctica get as low as 70 below zero (Fahrenheit).

I have reported on this nonsense before when we were told by some in the Goracle’s rabid legions in the media, “The North Pole might be clear of Ice this summer”. It’s easy to make such ridiculous claims, not much about Global Warming is based on facts, but what they also failed to recognize is that there are web cameras there where we can watch and see the facts. The result? Ice and more ice. In fact, there were times in mid-summer when the cameras seemed iced over.

Sneider and his friend were found frozen near their two snowmobiles, with orange rope spread out on the ice stating one cryptic message:

“Help-COLD” (No duh).

Perhaps it seems fitting that these people were eliminated by Darwinism, for it is certainly true that if one is not intelligent enough to prepare for extreme subzero temperatures simply on the basis of “I think they are lying about the temperature in Antarctica” is foolhardy.

I am not trying to make light of the deaths of two people, but some actions certainly lead to death. If Al Gore told you that gravity did not exist, would you jump off a skyscraper? Science is often common sense, and some should try to have some.


What I learned from the Tea Party opponents

I was at a Political rally the other day, and I won’t disclose it’s political candidates or party status based on the Tea Party’s decidedly politically unbiased nature. We our inclusive of those who guardians of our Constitution and Liberties, regardless of party affiliation. That being said, many of our members do tend to be more Conservative than not.

It was interesting that a scant number of what appeared to be Union members showed up to protest our “protest”. What they didn’t understand about us was astounding.

One man had a home-made sign which read “KKK is Tea Party”. I said hello to the man, and urged him to come inside and listen. I also said to him, “We don’t hate you–we simply disagree”. I am unsure if he believed me, but I was telling the truth.

The discussion moved to “free healthcare” being a “right”. One individual said, “What will all the people do if they don’t get Healthcare?” to which I responded, “The same thing they have done for hundreds of years.”

I told them that Americans do not want “Socialized Healthcare”, and one elderly man said, “I am a World War II veteran and I get Socialized healthcare”. I went over, shook his hand, and said, “I honor your service to our country Sir, but you and other Veterans shed blood defending our country, I think that earns you greater rights than anyone else.” He smiled, and perhaps I made one small point.

Basically, what I found out was that these people either were so indoctrinated to not see the danger to our great country. Perhaps the Union paid them to come and protest us. But they really didn’t seem to understand the chance of our country falling as a World power via sheer force of bankruptcy. One man actually said he didn’t think the national debt was “real money”. I assured him it was, basically we were spending his son’s future away. I added, “Are you and I really so different?” He had little to say about that.

When our discussion ended, I wished them all well. I simply told them that we would have to “agree to disagree” but also asked them to come inside and listen. A few actually did, surprisingly. At first, there were a few “disruptors”, but as time went on they went silent.

The facts they heard may have been the reason, we can only hope. I assume that few knew that President Obama has spent more than all previous President’s combined, or that he may soon double the national debt. And that is the debt people, not the deficit. The points made were strong ones, such as the fact that Unions will face layoffs under Obamacare–something that the protestors probably didn’t know.

I spoke to a young woman the other day, a brilliant writer for her side of Conservatism, living in Liberal California no less. Besides her writing career she also works as a nurse and worries about the state of those such as herself in the Medical field. But what really impressed me was her speech about her “Great awakening” to Politics. She grew up in a family of Democrats, and didn’t think much about Politics until 9/11. It was this great tragedy that forced her to pay attention to news, and she began to understand that we are not meer idle members of society, we are the components of a Great Republic. If we take no part, refuse to educate ourselves–we can lose our rights. As she awakened she began to act, writing and speaking on the issues of the Constitution, about the protection of our allies in Israel, about her faith.

She knew that once engaged, the awakened cannot turn back. I truly think there are many Americans just like her. Perhaps some of the Union members I spoke to, although it may take a longer time for them.

So, my friends, watch for truth and fear the media’s indoctrination. Seek out facts and begin to engage your Government and monitor it’s actions. You are not gears in a machine as under Socialism, you are what makes up America.


Apathy and the Death of Nations

I have said before, “It is not war that destroys great Nations, it is Apathy”. Apathy comes in many forms, the fear of battle, either physical or mental, the decadence of comfort over greatness, the soft weakness of mind and limb brought on by increased feminization of society.

It is just like age robbing one of the ability to stave off disease or physical infermity. The body eventually gives up.

When a nation gets sick, it does so via political ill. Uncontrolled borders and the influx of foreign people, the seizing of Political power by a Liberal elite, the uncaring “Me too” attitude of the people as they simply choose life over Liberty. Such is the sickness that invades the soul, to rob the people of the fire in their hearts and minds.

This is the plan of the far Left. Give to the apathetic and lazy, demoralize the strong and productive, and steal their lives via an accumulation of Government power.

A friend of mine recently went to a local gunshop to see if they could put up a sign for our local Tea Party. Ordinarily, most would simply ask, leave the sign and head out the door. My friend was inciteful enough to take it one step further and ask a few questions. What he found out was shocking. He asked the employees and some of the customers questions about the Tea Party, and nobody really knew what it was. One employee had barely heard about it, as evidenced by his remark, “I heard a little about it, but the name seems kinda lame.” The person at the counter, who claimed to be a “History major” did not understand the connection between the “Boston Tea Party” and the “Tea Party movement”. Some History major. A customer seemed only slightly more aware, and when asked about Obamacare, could barely speak about anything he knew about it. Frankly, he didn’t seem to care.

Apathy. The Killer of Minds.

What my friend found out in a short conversation was that these people, who worked in a gun shop, had no clue about he issues of the Constitution and 2nd Amendment–basically, it was evident that these folks did not watch the news. Not even CNN, much less FOX, or even take the time to look at news articles on the internet.

Perhaps we have become an iPod generation. A nation of Apathetic boobs who know more about “American Idol” than they do about the gradual and progressive loss of their own nation.

The greatest speaker of the Grecian Empire, Demosthenes, spoke of his disgust in the apathy of a once great nation in “The Second Oration against Philip” (344 BC):

They who aspire to an extravagant degree of power are to be opposed by force and action, not by speeches; and yet in the first place, we public speakers are unwilling to recommend or to propose anything to this purpose, from the fear of your displeasure; but confine ourselves to general representations of the grievous, of the outrageous nature of his conduct, and the like. Then you who attend are better qualified than Philip, either to plead the justice of your cause or to apprehend it when enforced by others; but as to any effectual opposition to his present designs, in this you are entirely inactive. You see, then, the consequence, the necessary, the natural consequence, each of you excels in that which has engaged your time and application, he in acting, you in speaking.

Nations die from a dry-rot known as apathy, and the cure is active participation and accumulated knowledge. Do not catch the disease, and if you know someone who has it, tell them.


Mr President, you scare me


Dear President Obama:

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.

You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.

You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don’t understand it at its core.

You scare me because you lack humility and ‘class’, always blaming others.

You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.

You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the ‘blame America’ crowd and deliver this message abroad.

You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.

You scare me because you prefer ‘wind mills’ to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.

You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.

You scare me because you have begun to use ‘extortion’ tactics against certain banks and corporations.

You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.

You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.

You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O’Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.

You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

Lou Pritchett

Unlike the President, Lou Pritchett is the real deal. He is the former Vice-President of Proctor and Gamble in the area of Sales and marketing. This letter was originally submitted to the New York Times, and was ignored (big surprise there). It has also been verified as authentic by


Stupak fight all part of the grand scheme

When you watch this video you will understand something we should have known all along. Namely, Stupak and his supposed “anti-abortion” Democrats basically were going to vote “yes” all along.

In the tactics with Nancy Pelosi the plan surely went like this: We will let you pretend to fight to the very end, press your “strong moral convictions”, and then at the last minute we will come in with a way for you to vote in the affirmative. Plans within plans, people.

The problem is that the American people are now aware of how these people play their games–we will not be fooled any more. I have said the same thing about Minnesota Congressman James Oberstar, a man who does not even live within the state he say she represents. Oberstar has always tried to say he was a “moderate” Democrat via his positions on abortion and gun rights. With his yes vote on this bill, we know he does not have a strong position against abortion–it was just a stance he took to appear as moderate. But it seems there are few moderate Democrats left in either the house OR Senate. And what about Representative Oberstar’s “Strong stance against gun control”? How long will it last? Only until it comes up for a vote is my guess.

Remember and do not be fooled.

Getting back to Bart Stupak, an anti-abortion group that was about to award him has changed their mind:

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser said the group was revoking its “Defender of Life” award to Stupak, which was to be awarded at its Wednesday night gala.
“We were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform. We will no longer be doing so,” Dannenfelser said. “Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this health care bill can no longer call themselves ‘pro-life.’”

They are not being fooled anymore, either.

Remember the name, Dan Benishek, he is Bart Stupak’s opponent. I set forth a plan, among others on facebook, to “send a message” to Congressman Stupak after betraying his constituents. The plan was to get to 5000 “friends” from where he was before the betrayal, when he was at a mere 756. Last night, he broke 7,776 members, and today is at 13,328 on his facebook page “Benishek for Congress”.

People will send a message, and they will be heard.


Racism claims by Congressmen untrue?

Is this report of racism by the Tea Party true? You tell me. In the above video you see members of the Congressional Black Caucus crossing through the Tea Party crowd. I have watched this several times and have not seen any of the following:

1. Racial slurs being uttered toward the men.
2. Sexual slurs being uttered.
3. Anyone spitting at the Congressmen.

It seems strange in that in the Youtube era that we would not have a single video clip supporting the claims leveled toward the Tea Party in Washington DC.

Considering that most of the crowd disdains such behavior, it could also be said that we would have at least one person who saw or heard the actions of one or two “nuts” in the crowd doing something as atrocious as racial mistreatment or spitting. It just hasn’t happened.

Yet it seems that every media outlet is reporting this account of the story by Congressman Andre Carlson:

“It just happened on the way to votes. Coming out of [Cannon Building]…John Lewis’ chief of staff came with us. It was just the three of us walking down the steps. ‘Kill the bill, Kill the bill…n-word,’ fifteen times,” he said. “Capitol Police finally became aware and began protecting us.” The video above was taken as Reps. Lewis and Carson emerged from Cannon today towards a crowd of protesters, and racial epithets from the crowd appear to be absent from the scene captured.

So where is the proof of this? Or is it yet again a Saul Alinsky tactic? I am leaning toward believing it is just a tactic, and one that is very common by the Left.

The lesson to learn from this is that we must be on guard against the Leftist media’s tactics. They will demonize those they disagree with. And it might be in ways you might not expect. They might simply take a photo or short video clip of a speaker at a Tea Party dressed in “dated garb” of the era of the founding fathers, simply trying to make them look like an idiot. They will not let you hear what they have to say, they will simply demonize–it’s what they do best.

Realize that it took little more than a joke by Sarah Palin about seeing Russia from her “back window” to define her as stupid. One would think that people would be smart enought to know a joke when they hear it, right? But they used it effectively.

This is why we must be beyond reproach.


United we stand

The year was 1768, and it was the Boston Gazette that published “The Liberty Song” by John Dickinson. One line of the song would inspire a notion among people that lives to this day:

“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!”

The quote, “United we stand, Divided we fall” emerged from that point, and was spoken by George Washington in relation to the Constitution as well.

This phrase is more than just a simple Patriot statement, it has deeper meaning. It means to put aside minor differences for the greater cause. Sure, in situations in life, you will not agree with everyone ALL the time, but it is a coalition of similar beliefs that help define a movement. Ronald Reagan had a great “Rule” about Party affiliation (and it is a good rule for any group) called the “80% rule”. President Reagan felt it was better to consider someone a “80% friend” than a “20% enemy”.

The Tea Party began from humble beginnings in that it was a spontaneous emergence of people who have similar feelings about Freedom, the Constitution, the rights of the individual, ect. But what few note is that there was never a litmus test of religion, sexual orientation, age, or color related to the Tea Party. Basically, they agree 80% of the time on the base issues we feel we stand for.

The Tea party is a loose collective of Patriots. Can a Republican be a Tea party member? Why not? Can a Democrat? I don’t see why they shouldn’t. It is their core beliefs that need to be considered, and little more.

Size of group is something that is constantly an attempt at ridicule by the vast Left-wing media in relation to the Tea Parties. Is a group of 50 enough to qualify? Or does it need to be something like Dallas, Texas with 100,000 attending? The answer is both, and all. The Tea party is about individuals collectively expressing their concern over our nation’s course. So in actuality, you could hold a “Tea Party” of 2 in a tiny town and still be valid. And you might even be one person who puts a video on Youtube and inspires a nation to react–you might still consider yourself part of the “Tea Party”.

The issue is that we need to stay united. We can win back our country if we work hard to make those changes happen. We can, as a group from shore to shore, break those bonds that Govt wishes to put on us.

Consider our might as an expression of our hearts and minds, a giant colossus built of our own will, so mighty as to cause fear in the bureacrat and Leftist. But chip away at that great statue over trivial points on contention outside of our main focus, and soon cracks begin to form. Those cracks can become arguments which become feuds and all out claims on the title of “Tea Party”. The face of the statue begins to break away, exposing a creaking armature of steel.

Eventually the mighty red, white, and blue colossus we all build comes crumbling down. It is a fear that this could happen, and only we can keep it from happening.

Join hands Patriots, and shout from the highest mountain our unity. We will not bend or fail, nor will we be changed by our efforts.


Obamacare’s stated “Public Option”

Now we know the reason that the President is pulling out all the stops, as they just posted the National Healthcare bill online:

14 (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish conditions of participation for health care providers under the public health insurance option.

Why, I thought that there was no public option in this bill? You mean that the President and Democrat leadership lied to us?

what seems even more laughable is another portion of Obamacare, which states this:

It is the sense of the House of Representatives that
15 Members who vote in favor of the establishment of a public, Federal Government run health insurance option, and senior members of the President’s administration, are urged to forgo their right to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree to enroll under that public option.

So basically, the people who are voting for a “Public Option” are “urged” to forgo their “Cadillac plan”. Notice they don’t say “compelled”, which we are in having to buy insurance regardless of if we want it or not. Don’t hold your breath on these people signing up.

Another part of the bill seems pretty clear as well:

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary… See More of Health and Human Services shall establish a temporary reinsurance program (in this section referred to as the ‘‘reinsurance program’’) to provide reimbursement to assist participating employment-based plans with the cost of providing health benefits to retirees and to eligible spouses, surviving spouses and dependents of such retirees.

If this what I think it is, it seems to be a reimbursement for some of the massive unfunded healthcare plans for some Govt and Private employee plans. And it seems to be up to a maximum of $90,000 per plan. It seems to me this plan is going to be politically aimed toward certain Unions and companies “run” by the Govt such as GM.

Basically, we are talking about a budget breaking bill that will provide both an expanding public option over time, as well as a “redistribution” of costs from the private sector to unfunded healthcare funds.

Wow. We have to stop this or it will cost us Trillions.


Dear America, a suicide note from the Democratic Party

Dear America,

I, the Democratic Party, have thought about this alot in the last 9 months. It has been hard, at first I felt so thrilled by the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. I literally ran into the streets, screaming “They Love us, they really love us!”. To me, the dawn of a new day had come, and I was the head of it. Regrettably, this feeling was short lived.

It all started when the President decided to promote a great and wonderful program that would provide healthcare for all, and at no cost to anyone. I believed what he said, after all he was the chosen one, he who would provide the solution to all the naysayers from the other side, a messiah of the people. I worked hard to make it all work, but then it happened–all these awful people opposed me, not even giving me a chance to make them understand how I could make their dreams come true, even in ways not envisioned by the greats such as Marx, Lenin, or Mao. Why wouldn’t they listen?!

At first it was just anger. I was angry because they wouldn’t listen. But then my anger became deeper, they were getting in the way of “Change”. If nothing else, I would make them listen. I would treat them like a wife who refused to listen to their husband, and perhaps a few good “corrections” would get them to come around.

So I tried to sweep them out of the way. I did everything I could, bludgeoning them about the head and shoulders, calling them names such as “Tea baggers” “racists” and “homophobes”. Nothing worked, and even some of the members of these groups who were Gay, black, asian, or Latino, sort of objected to my characterization. I got even more upset, who were they to talk? They were nothing more than frauds! Everyone knows you can’t have an individual personality under the tutelage of “The one who must be named, and often”!

It went on like this for months, and I kept going from rage to deep depression. It seemed that these people would not give up. They kept talking about this strange belief system called “Liberty” and referring to outdated documents such as the Constitution.

I sit here now at the edge of my seat in the US Congress, and have decided that it will end soon. I will pull the trigger, and make it happen once and for all. I don’t care what happens afterward, because I never had much time for God or such silly concepts. Oh well, here goes….

Bang! (and here is how the story ends, and the American people allowed the Democratic party to commit suicide)

They could have taken a different route, and I wish it was sad to see them go, but at the same time they did it of their own volition.
