
Archive for the ‘elections’ Category

Dennis Prager and the war of 2010

The above video is pretty powerful. It defines the great stakes we face if we allow our Government to continue it’s downward spiral into European Socialism. Basically, we have a choice; We have a choice between American exceptionalism, and acceptance of European mediocrity. The choice should be bold, but generations of Liberal indoctrination have led us to become a nation split between the politically aware, and the hopelessly apathetic.

President Obama, Prager states, is not the key–it is the movement which must be stopped. To a great degree I believe this is true. The first step is certainly to halt Congressional Leftism in 2010. However, it is also certainly true that a less ideologically Leftist man or woman in office would never have taken the steps Mr Obama has taken, be it for pragmatism or simple love of country.

Barack Obama is neither brilliant or an complete dullard. He is a narcissist. His failures are redistributed as much as he wishes to redistribute wealth. He knows what he has been taught, and boldly refuses to believe his teachings could be wrong. Others would surely begin to question their own beliefs, were they truly deep thinkers, upon constant data showing the depth of this failure. Not so with Obama. Perhaps because he doesn’t care about America being great, he wishes for American diminishment. And this is a very scary stance for an President to take.

Prager talks about the bold actions of the American military in regards to the destruction of Naziism. Would an Obama have been willing to face down with Hitler? It is doubtful. He would have extended an open hand, even when faced with a slap.

We are facing the most Liberal Congress in History. One which is beyond reason. They are hoping to snatch power via Government action. And amongst these actions they have tipped their hand: Pursue personal and Govt power over the betterment of their own country. The American citizen is a simple tool to be used, and a way to fund their enslavement machine. And to halt an increasingly enlightened populous bent on stopping their actions, they wish to bring in new “citizens” in the form of amnesty, to destroy the threat of losing this attained power.

America has a very great choice and responsibility in 2010. It will be a greater decision than any this country has ever faced; We can choose unabashed Americanism, or planned obsolescence. Obama and his handlers want America destroyed–will you play along?


Immigration control the Mexican Way

In the recent days since Arizona passed it’s tough new law to enforce it’s border, we have seen:

1. Rioting illegals
2. One documented case of defacing a public building with a refried bean Swastika.
3. Al Sharpton move in and claim that the Arizona law is racism, ignoring that it is poor blacks who are losing their jobs to illegal immigrants.
4. A move by San Francisco, Las Angeles, and one of Arizona’s own Congressman urging a boycott of the state.
5. Mexican President Calderon warning the Mexican people that they might face “intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse”–oh really?

The Liberal talking points are that any enforcement of our borders or scrutiny of obvious illegal immigrants is racism, violation of civil rights, and just plain not nice.

Michelle Malkin has a remarkable writeup of how Mexico treats non-citizens, and it is a worthy read.

Lets just say that if we treated illegal aliens even half as harshly as Mexico, we would not have a problem at all:

– The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset “the equilibrium of the national demographics. So if there are too many “non-Latino” immigrants, they can tell you to leave? Yes.

– If outsiders do not enhance the country’s “economic or national interests” or are “not found to be physically or mentally healthy,” they are not welcome. Too poor, no visible means of employment? Get out of our country.

– Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Compare this to our “catch and release” program. The worst that an illegal has to face in America is to be sent back to Mexico or their country of origin. And in most “sanctuary cities” illegals are just released back into the USA and asked to return for a trial, which they never do.

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The same as the Arizona law, but the military also can take part. Right now illegal immigrant rights groups and the ACLU are fighting a request for troops on our borders.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. They know who is in their country, period.

Michelle goes on to note that illegals who try to break Mexican immigration law are treated horribly. They can basically be shot for crossing the border.

Considering the above details, can you say that the Arizona law is overly harsh? Of course not. Right now the Federal Govt already has laws on the books enacted during the Reagan era that they refuse to follow. A nation without laws or borders is not nation.


Get ready for “Obamnesty”

Few knew that we were racially profiling innocent job workers as they came across the Southern border of the United States, but we apparently were. The fact that many Mexicans look alike, wear similar clothes, and universally seem unable speak English being used as factors mere feet from the U.S. border should not be allowed, or at least that is what we are being told.

What is the limit? A mile, five, one-hundred? At what point does the assertion that a person acts, speaks, and looks like an illegal alien become “racial profiling”? If you ask a person for their green card mere feet from the border couldn’t this also be a slur against their civil rights?

In the world of Barack Obama, it seems the goal is to never be able to ask for identification of national identity. Why? Because he needs the voters to finish the job he has started to fundamentally destroy the American way.

Think about it, did you ever think you would see large groups of obvious illegals shouting about their “Right” to free healthcare, jobs, schooling, and residency? Could it happen in Mexico? Of course not, they have borders there they defend, and arrest people who violate them.

Did you ever think that Mexico’s President would comment about Arizona state law? This recently happened when Felipe Calderon said that Arizona’s law would cause more “hate”. My question to Mr Calderon would be, “By whom?”.

After all, it isn’t American citizens who are smearing refried beans on the windows of state buildings in the shape of a swastika. It isn’t Mexican ranchers who are being murdered by Americans streaming across their border.

Ignoring borders and allowing uncontrolled immigration is what destroys nations. It destroys culture. And when a nation is no longer unified in a way where it’s citizens see themselves as part of that nation, then they can easily revolt against that country.

If you talk to many illegals, they hold no great regard for the United States, in fact many say our country is not as good as their own. Why come here? Not Freedom, but free-things: Free benefits.

Barack Obama wants open borders. Open borders mean a never ending stream of Democrat (Socialist) voters. Who loses in this scenario? Anyone who currently is an American citizen. Our lives, our country, and our children’s future will be squandered to enrich the world’s poor. And it is happening without our concent, but by the illegals who are coming here, and the Govt that wants them to gift them with power.

Arizona’s law is doing what the Federal law already has the ability and requirement to do, but isn’t. It is simply allowing State troopers and police officers to identify and detain illegal immigrants for the very act of breaking our nations laws.

If we don’t stop this, in 40 years we will not longer be the “United” States, but an amalgam of fighting international invaders intent on divying up the remainder of our nations resources.


Britain’s Obama claims his country deluded over defeating Nazis

Youtube clip: Nick Clegg, who seems to be running much as Barack Obama did in 2009, at “The Wave” Climate change (Global Warming) march, talks about radical change and embraces the Socialist party in the crowd. He then demonizes “Climate Change deniers” including American Republicans.

I have a warning for Britain: Take the statements of Clegg to heart and know that any radical expression is his true belief. The United States voter made a huge mistake in ignoring our current President’s radical ties and statements, and we are paying for it now.

Clegg recently made some statements that have Brits angered, and rightfully so. While he has tried to depict himself as the “new Churchill” Clegg recently said that Brits have a “more insidious cross to bear” than Nazi Germany in WW2.

Oh really? Was it Britain that tried to conquer Europe? Was it Britain that attempted to slaughter Jews?

Clegg went on, foolishly, to say that the British people had “Delusions of grandeur” and a “misplaced sense of superiority” over having defeated Nazi Germany. What exactly is Clegg talking about?

Nick Clegg seems to be a globalist, and not in a good way. To him, it is not about free trade, it is about a belief that no nation has the right to consider itself to have greater moral authority than another. No crime against society or the world is greater than this, he thinks. Not Naziism, not slavery or female genital mutilation, not Islamofascism. To the Cleggs and Obamas of the world, tyrants and dictators are just another group to embrace and hope for the best.

Just as President Obama dislikes to think of America as a great nation, or Americans as great people, Clegg secretly despises the idea of British greatness. Were he alive during the time of Churchill, he would oppose him.

In the World view of the new Marxist, one never fully admits the true goal of a world governed by a mish-mash of rogue bullies and pathetic Libertarians who accept their neighbors intrusion and thuggery. In the end, this type thinks that everything will work out well, as long as trillions of dollars/pounds are committed to foolish taxation and spending schemes which support ridiculous ideas such as global warming to “feel like good people”.

Mr Clegg wants a Leftist govt that pretends to be Democratic, and at the same time diminishes it’s goodness to prop up the egos of the world’s bottom feeders.

Nick Clegg is Winston Churchill? Mr Clegg, we remember Churchill, we honor Churchill, and you are no Churchill.


The Left’s new slur: “Tea Klanners”

Holding signs that say, “New shape, same hate”, Lefty protesters try a new tactic to try to demonize the Tea Party. But as usual, it is bound to fail miserably.

The reason for the assertion that the Tea Party has any association to the KKK is pretty clear, because the KKK was actually an arm of the Democratic Party much as ACORN is today. But the Democrats would like you to forget that fact.

Dr Eric Foner wrote about this in his book, “A Short History of Reconstruction” in 1990. And to bolster his credibility even further (since many Democrats deny the roots of the KKK), Foner is a liberal and also a professsor at Columbia University.

Racism, the KKK, and tradition Democratic voting were all traditions that carried on from generation to generation, as is noted by the statement by KKK Grand Dragon Nathan Bedford Forrest:

“I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.”

In his book, Dr Foner details the origins of the KKK, and it’s true purpose, which was basically to terrorize and kill white and black Republicans:

“Founded in 1866 as a Tennessee social club, the Ku Klux Klan spread into nearly every Southern state, launching a ‘reign of terror‘ against Republican leaders black and white.”

What can be learned about the KKK and the Democratic party is that the ties of radicalism run deep in the power structure of the party itself. To the leadership of the party, this radicalism is to be used to undermine and destroy their enemies. And if their “radical arm” becomes discredited, the party lives on. They just disband, rename, and form a new radical “limb” to rip and tear at their enemies. In the end, their enemy is the American people.

As the KKK fell from favor via it’s horrible actions, the Democrats suddenly said they were “anti-racism” but at the same time electing people like Robert Byrd, (former?) Klansman, to the US Senate. The party then moved on to embrace the Leftist radicals of the 60s, such s the Black Panthers, and groups like the “Weather Underground” which spawned radicals like Barack Obama’s “friend and neighbor” William Ayers. Ayers, who attempted actual attacks on America ala Timothy McVeigh, was not only not demonized, he was glorified and enriched by his Democrat roots.

ACORN came next, and as we know, helped to elect many Democratic candidates via stuffing the ballot boxes in many races, while using “volunteers” to provide false names and dead folks to provide a “means to an end” and we know that end was Democrat power.

Now that ACORN has been discredited due to some very shrude videos by two young Conservatives and Andrew Breitbart, they are supposedly “disbanding”. But are they gone? No, they will simply rename and come back in their next virulent form.

My prediction is that the Left already has it’s next radical group lined up, and that is radical Latino groups aligned with Communism. We saw this during the last press for Amnesty by President Bush. Remember the “May Day” rally of thousands of Mexican illegals holding Mexican and Communist flags?

To the Democrats, radicalism is a tool. We can only point out that fact to America and let them decide if the Democratic party is one they would like to rule their lives.


Snippy Chihuahas of the Left

I recently wrote about one of the most fantastic candidates currently running for Congress, Colonel Allen West. Little did I know, but he would come out and prove me correct in such a short amount of time.

Mr West was recently speaking to a group of his supporters, where he took on the typical opposition that it seems any Conservative black candidate is forced to face, basically the “Snippy Chihuahuas” of the Left. West makes it clear that they are picking the wrong fight if they are going after him; he simply is not going away.

Colonel West then quotes a scene from the movie “Gladiator” and says we need to “Hold the line”. I contend we won’t just hold the line, but we will push them back.

One thing that the Tea Parties have done is let the American people see who and what the Left is in comparison to the average American. The Left is vicious, ignorant, and ideologically opposed to what America stands for. When compared to the Tea Party, a group of average Americans proudly standing in defense of what President Ronald Reagan called “The Shining city on the Hill”, the Left looks very petty and seriously deranged. If you do not understand what I am talking about, just look at my last blog entry and watch the videos.

To Allen West, this is a great battle for the American way. Just as American soldiers have fought to defend us from Naziism, Communism, and Imperialism, this battle is tantamount to the freedom and survival of every American. If you think this is overblown, then you have simply to understand that the Obama Administration’s attempt to lower American status also puts us in danger of military threat as well as fiscal threat. If we are forced to convert to a European style Socialism, then we must also almost completely defund the military to fund the “utopia”.

West is by far one of the best men running this season, as I have said before, among a group of rising stars. If I were to name another name that we will surely hear more and more, Chip Cravaak may be the other. Reagan Conservatism is alive and well, and we intend to take on the new “Jimmy Carter”, Barack Obama.


Colonel Allen West

Before I did this blog, I often sent out my own version of an email “blog” where I would highlight people who intrigued me. I recieved an email with the above video of Colonel Allen West. Before I played it, I was unsure of just what sort of person Col. West was, or what he stood for. But after watching it, I found myself wanted to cheer. Patriot? Of course, but to simply define him as a patriot alone falls far short. Allen West is an outspoken hero in my opinion.

Watch the video, and tell me you don’t agree. It will be hard to do so.

What I like in a Politician we rarely see today. To be truthful, forcefully outspoken, to have a Love of country. To shake the hand of such individuals is a powerful experience. It is not the same as simply being “star struck” by a Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, it is to know that such men as George Washington still exist. In this day and age, that alone is inspiring.

Colonel West is currently running for Congress out of the State of Florida. He deserves the support of the American people.


They want to crash the Party

Youtube clip: Notice how evasive the Left is, be it from pure shame or a complete lack of knowledge about the facts. Even when asked their thoughts respectfully, they are often almost completely mute.

It seems that a group of people started out circulating an idea on how to disrupt the Tea Parties, which eventually became this website.

The stated purpose seems to be “infiltration” of the Tea Parties, where said members would assume the identities of members, waving vitriolic signs, threatening the President, and trying to get “face time” with media sources.

Apparently this first came up on an “Anarchist” website, and said this:

Crash the tea parties!

On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers. If the tea party movement continues to grow in size and strength there is a big chance they will dominate this country in the near future. If the tea party movement takes over this country they will really hurt poor people by getting rid of social programs like food stamps, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, student aid, free health care, etc. The tea party movement will say these programs must be gotten rid of because hard-working taxpayers cannot afford to pay for these things especially when the economy is in a depression. There are three options we have with the tea party movement:

Well, from past discussions with “Anarchists” I have found a good many of them to be rich kids who do quite well on Daddy’s trust fund, while wearing Che Gueverra T-shirts and trying to smash windows for fun. If you actually ask them what Anarchy means, they generally spew something about how “people should live together in a group, and all grow carrots and stuff”. When you explain that what they are describing is a commune, they get confused.

What Anarchism is to most of these people is a belief in Marxism.

It is pretty clear that these “Tea Party Crashers” simply want to make up racism, homophobia, stupidity (they should be good at that), and outright thuggish behavior to mischaracterize a fine movement.

If you need to promote all the factors that the Left says are so rampant in the Tea Party, then why come and pretend at all? Why not just come and film? We welcome you with complete transparency.

However, if you come to a good event and try to threaten or bully, or promote an atmosphere of hatred where none exists, we WILL expose you.


Michelle Obama, Birther?

(Note video @ .45: “…visited his home country, in Kenya…”)

You won’t believe this video. When I first heard about it I was dubious, but words have meaning, and if you say that your husband’s “home” country is Kenya, it’s pretty hard to deny.

The “Birther” movement has been ridiculed as fantasy by many, and for good reason. Why wouldn’t Hillary Clinton have made an issue of her opponent’s national status? Surely, as hard hitting as the Clinton’s are as politicians, they would make an issue of it. We know the reason that Senator John McCain would never do so, his RINO status of “be nice to your opponent” would keep him from broaching such an issue.

I have talked about the Birther movement before, and while I have never been a strong advocate of it for the reasons above, I did find the Obama’s response to challenges on producing his Birth Certificate a bit odd. Why not simply produce the original document and let a non-partisan body, in unison with members of the media, examine it and close the issue?

There is also the issue of the “original” Birther, who is a registered Democrat, and his legal challenges to try to gain access to the document. The President has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars defending himself to stave off having to produce his birth certificate and college records. This just doesn’t make sense. The accusation has been made that the youthful Obama (who called himself “Barry” at the time) actually gained some sort of college benefit for registering as “Kenyan” rather than “American” when he went to college. Or perhaps it is as simple as the fact that the President had very poor grades he doesn’t want the public to know about.

I do not know the answers to these questions, or why the President’s own relatives state he was born in Kenya. Or why the media seems satisfied with Hawaii sealing his records on the basis of “Identity theft”, but I do think that Michelle Obama has some explaining to do.

Why would any wife proclaim that their husband was Kenyan? It does not seem like something that any American would say by accident. If I were married, would my wife slip up and say, “My Husband’s home countries of Sweden, Norway, ect.? No, it would just be too–well, weird. I contend that people simply do not think that way.

I do not have all the answers, but I do know that the birthers just got a new ally, and her name is Michelle Obama.


Surprise! Obama not really a Constitutional law Professor

Much of Barack Obama’s life has been criticized as a Sham, and his actions seem to constantly reinforce people’s suspicions, be they real or fictitious.

Just look at the case of the “Birthers” who believe that Barack Obama was not born in the USA and hence is unable to hold that office. The Birthers should be a group that would be easy to shut up, simply put out your birth certificate to be examined by the media. The President has still not done this. He seems convinced that the word of a couple of Hawaiian croneys should be enough. They have sealed his records and refuse to let anyone look at them, stating it is for reasons of “identity theft”. Does anyone really think you could get away with pretending to be Barack Obama? Seriously?

The fact that the President’s greatest “Birther” detractor is a Democrat doesn’t help either, or that he has defended these records at the cost of over $200,000.

Just end this, Mr President. Shut them all up and get on with your failed Presidency. Why not?

The issue of the President’s college records are also up for speculation.
Perhaps the fact that “Dumb George Bush” had better grades at Yale than Al Gore and John Kerry make him worry.

What is more concerning is the fact that the Professors that Barrack Obama worked with state he was “never a Professor of Law”, and it also appears that he never published any while at Harvard, as would be required of an actual Editor of the Harvard Law Review, a position he appears to actually HAVE held.

Barack Obama seems to be a living sealed document, his only true records of achievement being his two autobiographies, and many believe he did not even write those.

And how was he viewed by his colleagues during his years as “Professor”? According to the highest tenured member of the Chicago Law school:

The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).

It seems that Barack Obama truly is a “self-made” man, or rather he made himself up.
