
Archive for the ‘best conservative blog’ Category

MMA Legend Don Frye not a big Obama Fan

April 29, 2010 1 comment

Youtube clip: Don Frye versus Takayama (One of Frye’s most famous battles)

He was in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) before it was big. He also became a huge fan favorite in Japan under the Pride Fighting Championships. Basically, if you know the legendary toughness attributed to Chuck Norris, then you probably should know Don Frye. With a voice that sounds like dry granite, and a mustache any Cowboy would respect.

Don Frye is a “Man’s man”. And he fears no man, either.

In the above interview, Don is his interesting self as usual, talking about fighting (still), gawking at the girls, and expressing his very American (Conservative) political views.

In an interview by Ariel Helwani, Helwani asks Frye about “Competition” between MMA organizations:

AH: “Do you think it’s good for the sport to have number two competition? Someone threatening the UFC? (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

DF: “Oh hell yeah, competition is what made the USA great…”

Don then goes on to talk about the root of the problem as he see it in America right now:

“We’re a great nation, as long as we don’t go Socialist.”

Helwani doesn’t know what to make of this discussion, but Frye continues, making it pretty clear when the problem started. It was right about the time of the Bailouts under President George Bush, and then Barack Obama was elected and all bets were off.

“We need to stay the course, the way we were several years ago. Now we’re kinda veering off in the wrong direction…Capitalism is what makes the country great.”

Frye, a true character, also seems to know his History, and it is evident in this quote:

“I don’t want to see anything go socialist…it’s a proven failure.”

More a living legend at this point than a man, Don Frye may just live forever.


Ben Franklin: “A Republic, if you can keep it”

This video does an incredible job of explaining how our Government should work, and the dangers of mob rule, anarchy, and Oligarchy/Dictatorship.

It is interesting how the Left has conveniently called Fascism a movement of the Right, when the German Socialist Party was a party of Government control. This video clears this up well, explaining that Government power/control has extremes, with the American/early Roman “Republic” in the middle, granting little power to Government, and extensive power to the individual.

What we are seeing right now in our Country is an attempt to destroy the Republic. If that occurs, the Left wins. Even if there were a point of Anarchy, those on the Left feel that they will assume total power at some point. This can only occur if we dash the basis of Constitutional limits on Government power.

This is why it is so important to repeal Obamacare, as it extends Federal power to a point where it is greater than that of the States, imposing a “right” to control what people purchase. If you think that this would be the end of attempts to assume control over the electorate, guess again. It is simply a “shot across the bow” or a “Trial balloon”.

Suppose that a future Federal Government decides to make you buy solar panels, or an electric car, or says that when you “buy” energy they have the right to “monitor” your thermostat? Nothing is impossible if the Government extends it’s rights to force you to purchase what they deem as correct. Personal choice? It will be a thing of the past.


Obama or the Tea Party, who is more popular?

It would seem that the answer is: The Tea Party.

In a recent Rassmussen poll asking just that question, the popularity of President Obama continues to plummet. But the Tea Party, despite being demonized daily, is doing just fine. 48% of those polled said they like the Tea Party, while just 44% identify with the President.

It would seem that this is the reason for the demonization; If someone outpolls you, you can only try to bring them down by any means possible, and hope that those in newer polls find themselves in your ranks.

As I have said before, I don’t believe we have yet reached “Barack Bottom”, but we are continuing to move in that direction, despite the best efforts of Raum Emmanuel.

They can only hope that the more they throw against the wall, the greater chance that something will stick. So far, our wall is teflon.

There is just something that people like about people defending their country, of talking about the Constitution, about Liberty, and saving our children’s future, which seems good to the American public.

The President is the opposite of this, seeming to always take America in a direction that people disagree with, blaming our country for all the world’s problems, and sheepishly whining and kissing the ring of foreign dictators.

While it can be wrong to criticize a person’s patriotism via their Party, I don’t think the President is very Patriotic. I see him as the type who would avoid fireworks on the 4th of July, being happier to sun himself on the beach in Bermuda away from all that red, white, and blue nonsense.

The President could turn this around, but it would mean actually pretending to care for his nation, to take tough stances against dictatorships, and seeming to be at least a little pro-Capitalist. The problem is, he would not believe it, and Obama is an ideologue rather than a pragmatist.


I know you are, what am I?

This is one of the most informative videos exposing the black heart of some Democrats in Congress, and why we need to remove them at the ballot box. Frankly, it is similar to the United Nations calling out Israel and the United States for hate crimes while a good number of UN members still allow slavery, child prostitution, and female genital mutilation. This is not just the pot calling the kettle black, it is the pot calling the snow black.

Representative Steve Cohen’s words drip with hatred for the Tea Party, saying that it’s members are little more than Nazis and KKK members. Sigh, don’t these people ever get any new material?

As a defender of Israel I am getting pretty tired of the Liberal Jew who cares little about possible Genocide in Israel, while relishing the destruction of the United States via their loopy Marxist ideals. I know many great Jews who swear “never again” to the next holocaust, and understand how important the survival of the United States is.

Cohen is someone who needs to be removed from Congress for his phoney and ridiculous statements, and we can do it next time he is up for reelection. Mr. Cohen, we will not forget you or your words about the American people.

At one point Cohen talks about how he wished that he could shut up the protesters during the vote for Obamacare, then scoffed when a Republican challenged him by reminding him about this little thing called the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

Cohen lets the cat out of the bag I think. He admits he hates America, wants to shut up those he disagrees with, and that he is willing to criticize any American that disagrees with Socialism. Poor Steve, he needs to get together with Sean Penn and they can slobber all over each other about Hugo Chavez.

Let them know Fear.


Obama’s Bait and Switch

(Where ARE the rebates and middle-class taxcut, Mr President?)

(How things change, or have they? Call me dubious.)

On the face of it, one might welcome President Obama’s remarks on expanding “exploration” of some areas for offshore oil and natural gas drilling. What the “Greens” rarely tell you when they expound about replacing Petroleum and Coal as sources of energy production is that the bulk of America’s energy comes from those sources. How much will it cost to replace coal alone? Are you willing to have a 300% increase in your energy bills yearly? Are you willing to have an Windmill farms across the entire USA? These are questions you have to consider.

But the problem with much of what the President says, it is likely disingenous. To Mr Obama, any such methodology is merely a “means to an end”. Basically, he knows what few Americans know: He can make a statement about expanding “exploration” while letting the Environmental lobby sue and block drilling. And even if we should win the right to drill, the entire process will take 10 years probably.

Why make the claim in the first place? Because his polls are sagging. Not as badly as that of Congress, but at a dangerous and steep descent unmatched by any modern President. Barack Obama believes in words more than he does commitment. He believes he can fool the people to get what he wants, and he wants Cap and Trade. And cap and trade is yet another tax on the American electorate. It is less likely to effect the rich than the poor, who are forced to pay a large portion of their income on fuel and electrical costs.

President Obama does not believe what he says about offshore oil drilling or Nuclear power plants, but he is giving them lip service for the sake of his true goal of a Marxist Utopia. Just watch the videos above and tell me if you agree–I welcome your comments.


What I learned from the Tea Party opponents

I was at a Political rally the other day, and I won’t disclose it’s political candidates or party status based on the Tea Party’s decidedly politically unbiased nature. We our inclusive of those who guardians of our Constitution and Liberties, regardless of party affiliation. That being said, many of our members do tend to be more Conservative than not.

It was interesting that a scant number of what appeared to be Union members showed up to protest our “protest”. What they didn’t understand about us was astounding.

One man had a home-made sign which read “KKK is Tea Party”. I said hello to the man, and urged him to come inside and listen. I also said to him, “We don’t hate you–we simply disagree”. I am unsure if he believed me, but I was telling the truth.

The discussion moved to “free healthcare” being a “right”. One individual said, “What will all the people do if they don’t get Healthcare?” to which I responded, “The same thing they have done for hundreds of years.”

I told them that Americans do not want “Socialized Healthcare”, and one elderly man said, “I am a World War II veteran and I get Socialized healthcare”. I went over, shook his hand, and said, “I honor your service to our country Sir, but you and other Veterans shed blood defending our country, I think that earns you greater rights than anyone else.” He smiled, and perhaps I made one small point.

Basically, what I found out was that these people either were so indoctrinated to not see the danger to our great country. Perhaps the Union paid them to come and protest us. But they really didn’t seem to understand the chance of our country falling as a World power via sheer force of bankruptcy. One man actually said he didn’t think the national debt was “real money”. I assured him it was, basically we were spending his son’s future away. I added, “Are you and I really so different?” He had little to say about that.

When our discussion ended, I wished them all well. I simply told them that we would have to “agree to disagree” but also asked them to come inside and listen. A few actually did, surprisingly. At first, there were a few “disruptors”, but as time went on they went silent.

The facts they heard may have been the reason, we can only hope. I assume that few knew that President Obama has spent more than all previous President’s combined, or that he may soon double the national debt. And that is the debt people, not the deficit. The points made were strong ones, such as the fact that Unions will face layoffs under Obamacare–something that the protestors probably didn’t know.

I spoke to a young woman the other day, a brilliant writer for her side of Conservatism, living in Liberal California no less. Besides her writing career she also works as a nurse and worries about the state of those such as herself in the Medical field. But what really impressed me was her speech about her “Great awakening” to Politics. She grew up in a family of Democrats, and didn’t think much about Politics until 9/11. It was this great tragedy that forced her to pay attention to news, and she began to understand that we are not meer idle members of society, we are the components of a Great Republic. If we take no part, refuse to educate ourselves–we can lose our rights. As she awakened she began to act, writing and speaking on the issues of the Constitution, about the protection of our allies in Israel, about her faith.

She knew that once engaged, the awakened cannot turn back. I truly think there are many Americans just like her. Perhaps some of the Union members I spoke to, although it may take a longer time for them.

So, my friends, watch for truth and fear the media’s indoctrination. Seek out facts and begin to engage your Government and monitor it’s actions. You are not gears in a machine as under Socialism, you are what makes up America.


Apathy and the Death of Nations

I have said before, “It is not war that destroys great Nations, it is Apathy”. Apathy comes in many forms, the fear of battle, either physical or mental, the decadence of comfort over greatness, the soft weakness of mind and limb brought on by increased feminization of society.

It is just like age robbing one of the ability to stave off disease or physical infermity. The body eventually gives up.

When a nation gets sick, it does so via political ill. Uncontrolled borders and the influx of foreign people, the seizing of Political power by a Liberal elite, the uncaring “Me too” attitude of the people as they simply choose life over Liberty. Such is the sickness that invades the soul, to rob the people of the fire in their hearts and minds.

This is the plan of the far Left. Give to the apathetic and lazy, demoralize the strong and productive, and steal their lives via an accumulation of Government power.

A friend of mine recently went to a local gunshop to see if they could put up a sign for our local Tea Party. Ordinarily, most would simply ask, leave the sign and head out the door. My friend was inciteful enough to take it one step further and ask a few questions. What he found out was shocking. He asked the employees and some of the customers questions about the Tea Party, and nobody really knew what it was. One employee had barely heard about it, as evidenced by his remark, “I heard a little about it, but the name seems kinda lame.” The person at the counter, who claimed to be a “History major” did not understand the connection between the “Boston Tea Party” and the “Tea Party movement”. Some History major. A customer seemed only slightly more aware, and when asked about Obamacare, could barely speak about anything he knew about it. Frankly, he didn’t seem to care.

Apathy. The Killer of Minds.

What my friend found out in a short conversation was that these people, who worked in a gun shop, had no clue about he issues of the Constitution and 2nd Amendment–basically, it was evident that these folks did not watch the news. Not even CNN, much less FOX, or even take the time to look at news articles on the internet.

Perhaps we have become an iPod generation. A nation of Apathetic boobs who know more about “American Idol” than they do about the gradual and progressive loss of their own nation.

The greatest speaker of the Grecian Empire, Demosthenes, spoke of his disgust in the apathy of a once great nation in “The Second Oration against Philip” (344 BC):

They who aspire to an extravagant degree of power are to be opposed by force and action, not by speeches; and yet in the first place, we public speakers are unwilling to recommend or to propose anything to this purpose, from the fear of your displeasure; but confine ourselves to general representations of the grievous, of the outrageous nature of his conduct, and the like. Then you who attend are better qualified than Philip, either to plead the justice of your cause or to apprehend it when enforced by others; but as to any effectual opposition to his present designs, in this you are entirely inactive. You see, then, the consequence, the necessary, the natural consequence, each of you excels in that which has engaged your time and application, he in acting, you in speaking.

Nations die from a dry-rot known as apathy, and the cure is active participation and accumulated knowledge. Do not catch the disease, and if you know someone who has it, tell them.


We The People

Many thanks to Marie Jon (an up and coming blog writer for for referring this excellent and patriotic youtube video. It’s message defines exactly what the Tea Party believes.

Please watch this, it is very powerful.


“Talker in Chief” tells us to stop talking

Youtube clip: The time for talk is over, over, over, over….

I think it is time for us to shut these people down. If this Congress was controlled by Republicans, we would have already heard the shouts of “Do-nothing Congress” and “Culture of corruption”. But since the media has their party in control and is implementing their plan of implosion, we don’t hear anything.

I guess the job is up to us. We need to exclaim at every turn that we want Congress to “get back to the work of Governing”. Let’s face it, these people have done almost nothing but debate how they will take over our nation for over a year. They make deadline after deadline, then say that it is too important to stop.

The clock is ticking on their control on power. Their poll numbers continue to sink as even former Obots and Democrats see the truth. The truth is that this has nothing to do with making our country better–it is about control.

During the Clinton era we saw a different mentality. President Bill Clinton was smart enough to switch gears when he had to. His one mistake was allowing his ideological wife push a pretty radical agenda in the first two years of his Presidency. But in no way was Bill Clinton was steeped in Marxism as this current lot.

The Democratic party is no longer the Democratic party. They are the American Socialist party of old. To the disgust of Conservatives, and the help of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, the Republican party has become the old Democratic party. It is up to us to move them back to reality. And we must do this by the force of our Philosophy, voice, and vote.

This “do-nothing Congress” is dangerous. They are looking for ways to irreversably transform the greatest nation on Earth into a culturally fractured, grotesque paper tiger. Their views of our nation is that it is corrupt, but they are the true corruptors. They talk about jobs, but relish a nation of jobless slaves. They talk about fiscal competancy, but spend money that we may never have. Their goal is transitional Marxism, and the end goal we cannot even fathom.

We must stand atop the mountain and shout the truth. We know how great America is, and we will not waver on it’s true nature.

Let the people roar.


Meet the Democrats: First suicide bomber party ever!

People all over the USA are asking “Why are they doing this?” when discussing the stubborn dedication of the Democrats to Obamacare that will wreak havoc on American Government. It will surely cost Trillions of dollars as time goes on, and at a time when Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going broke. The Democrats, via the prodding of the President, have already strapped on the vests and are waiting to press the button. Sure, they will all be vaporized in November, and they will blow a gaping hole in the side of our economy, but it is BELIEF that drives them, not dedication to people or country.

But that we could expect the old fashioned belief that we elect these people to serve our wants, unfortunately it isn’t the truth. It has been a long time in the coming that bit by bit, incrementally, America is becoming a ruled class, and our “Representatives” the rulers.

Just as Jihadists blow themselves up to be seen as a Martyr in the eyes of Allah, these people follow their own religion: The religion of big Govt.

Just as the devoutly religious ask their members to tithe to help the church, the Govt Jihadist expect and enforces his own harsh taxation on the masses. And just as the religious have their ministers of faith, the Left has their own Ministers: Obama, Gore, Pelosi, and Reid.

“Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your Government can do for you–AMEN!!”

Their apostles are Marx, Lenin, Mao, and an untold number of heroes who never amounted to much other than founding a movement of Genocidal power. Hmph, thinks the Bureaucrat, we all know a few eggs must be broken to make an omelet.

You see to these people, the true Believers, the only orders they follow are of their next higher Bureacrat, or the philosophy they read about in college. They believe now is their time.

Grimly, although very nervously, the Democrat suicide bomber straps on their bomb, grits his/her teeth to prove himself to “God”. For only in this way, destruction, can a holy Utopia be formed. A Utopia of collective “yes”, where disagreement is either apothetically absorbed, or punished by Federal Lawsuit.

They march into the Congress, facing the hated infidels who oppose them, and know that this one vote might be the final one of their careers, but that they will become the martys of a new way. Those that follow will idolize them, and it will be much harder for them to be challenged.

Grimly, although excitedly, they push the button.
