
Archive for May, 2010

An Impeachable offense?

This video of Dick Morris on “Hannity” makes a powerful point: Can a President ignore Federal law and the Constitution for poltical gain?

Morris makes a great point when he notes that the “Chicago politics” of illegal bribery via power-mongering cannot be allowed to extend into the Federal realm. It is bad enough in Chicago, do we want a nation run in this way?

I recently had a bit of an argument with a friend on Facebook about Obama. She said that he was a nincompoop who deserves little in the form of histrionics to define him. Basically, she was saying that Obama was a foolish “light weight”. But can we say that about a man who is willing to use and misuse every Presidental power to irrevocably change our nation? I think it would be a mistake to underestimate either his radicalism or his ability as given to him by the people and a Congress with the power to enforce his will.

A President who is willing to break the law is dangerous. A President steeped in radicalism with an “Get it done for Marxism” credo is something that should be challenged. Sure, we cannot assume that he has pure Dictatorial power, he doesn’t, yet. But he is setting a precident–if you can get it done, do it and disregard the electorate.

These people know a few things that are pretty terrifying: They know that if they control Congress, they can pass just about anything and disregard ethics, law, or future challenge. They hope to pack the courts with radicals who will support their changes. They also know that the media will support them, or in the very least ignore their vicious attack on America. They also assume weakness from their opponents; the Republicans are fearful of full-blown Conservatism, as evidenced by the faux breed such as David Brooks and David Frum, or for that matter “consensus builders” like Lindsey Graham or John McCain.

Will the media pursue a scandal greater than any under Bush? I highly doubt it. Will Republicans charge Barack Obama with “high crimes and misdemeanors”? Or do they fear the media calling them racists? Personally, I wonder.

Nation is greater than individual power or gain. The people are greater than the elected. But given the power we have so wrongly provided them, Congress and the President feel they are Kings and Queens, not Representatives.

We need to change their minds. We need to let them know the fear of misusing their offices at the ballot box. And once ejected, we must enforce the rule of law and monitor our new policians closely. We cannot affford to resume our long sleep, or that sleep will become a coma.


Woman shot, killed after threatening census worker

Glenn Beck questions Congressman Michelle Bachmann about the ramifications of refusing to fill out the 2010 census.

A man recounts how he was shouted at for taking video of a census worker as he put in GPS coordinates of homes in his area.

According to a representative to the U.S. Census, a census worker went to the door of Craig Patterson, a resident of Yuba City, California. The time was 7:45 pm, 25 minutes before census workers are told to discontinue home visits. According to the worker, at this time a woman brandished a firearm to her while asking the man questions, and she immediately left.

The census worker immediately called her supervisor, who contacted the Police.

At 9:04 pm the Police arrived at the home, and were greeted by a male suspect with a handgun. They took him into custody, but then encountered 67 yo Victoria Helen Roger-Vasselin, pointing a shotgun at the officers. After refusing to put the shotgun down, the officers fired, killing the woman on the spot via multiple gunshot wounds.

The first thing you might say about this incident is, “So it’s come to this”. Many do not trust the 2010 census, due to some of the invasive questions on the forms. While this is true, and for some reason census workers have been mapping homes via GPS, it should also be noted that we cannot break the law in opposition to the Government’s intrusive policies.

Brandishing a gun without a reason is a crime. The days of a shotgun wielding guy sitting on his porch saying, “Get off my property!!” and then shooting off a few warning shots are over.

Under the U.S. Constitution, we are only compelled to be counted. There is no rule that allows invasive questions, and I think at some point the current census will be challenged at some level. The Obama Administration, as it seems always to do, appears to feel the need to expand Govt power at all levels. The charges against the Bush Administration, mostly overblown, are real under Obama.

Hopefully we can avoid a looming Police state by a budding Socialist Govt, but we can do this by ejecting all Politicians who support the President’s policies. But, we must maintain the law.


Tar Ball Terror

With environmentalists trying their best to terrify America into banning all American oil drilling, so far they have only been able to come up with the ghastly photos of 20 “tar balls” found recently off Key West.

Sure, it is important we keep our environment clean, and most people are concerned about this spill. But at this point, it is pretty amazing that we have yet to see any visual evidence of the mass damage the media has been selling us since day one.

British Petroleum has recently made headway in stemming the flow of oil from the damaged “well” by siphoning off a good portion of the oil via a long tube. The grossly incompetent Obama administration has said that they were “unimpressed”. This of course begs the question, “What exactly have YOU done?” The answer is obvious–absolutely nothing. Those who monitor the Obamaists will note a pattern here. Basically, use any catastrophe to push for more regulation, greater taxation, and a huge Goverment agenda. In this case, they will push to ban all offshore drilling, and probably some sort of “windfall profits tax” at some point.

Obama himself has been completely aloof and uninterested in the whole oil spill. And so far, the media seems to be backing him. Of couse, were this Bush it would be the end of the world. Instead, we get to see Obama getting hit on by a waitress who said he has a “hot little body” as he orders chicken wings and french fries (So much for promoting his wife’s “Child Obesity” agenda).

The above video is of the 1970 cult film “Oily maniac”, which I thought was pretty funny here. If only the feared “tar balls” were to turn an innocent and disgruntled man into a monster–wouldn’t it be great PR for stopping the hated oil men?


He’s Back: Communist Latino Teacher Ron Goches

And this time, he’s calling the Police “Apes” just seconds after saying he doesn’t want to “generalize”. Sure.

Let’s get this straight: If you are a Communist, idolize Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Che Gueverra, and you say you want a revolution to destroy Capitalism and take back “occupied Mexico”, then you are voicing your 1st Amendment rights. But, if you are a somewhat withdrawn bunch of white Christians called “Hutaree” who said very much the same thing in the confines of their own homes, you are a seditionist and terrorist?

And what if one of the members of the Tea Party called someone in “La Raza” an “ape” what do you think would happen?

We are committing societal suicide people. We are allowing radical elements to infest our country and claim it is their own. This is how great nations fall–just read up on the fall of Rome.

I think it is only a matter of time before Mr. Goches is recorded giving one of his speeches of “La Revolution” in his classroom. Will he be fired when that happens? Don’t bet on it. California is already too far gone.


Unemployed Geico voice-man makes a video slamming the Tea Party

Just when you thought you had heard the last from Lance Baxter…umm D.C. Douglas (Is Lance Baxter really that unmarketable a name?), heeee’s back!

In the above video which appears to be an attempt to make to humorously attack Freedomworks, we are instead treated to a literal lineup of tin-hat fools. I had to especially had to laugh at the shirtless Latino guy–so if you are Gay you feel the need to go shirtless? Really? That in itself is a slur at a minority group.

What happens when the Left tries to be funny politically is that their attempts work out this way:

1. They come off as a smarmy or vicious attack. In this case, they just can’t help but use the word “tea-bagger” multiple times, even though no gay person should be so flippant with the term.

2. They define themselves as a grab-bag of nuts. They really do score on that count here. Be it “Nipple-tweaking” by Mr. Baxter, or the shirtless (hopefully not naked) guy trying to make a point about his sexuality. Do you really have to force your beliefs in such an odd way? What exactly do you gain?

Ok, we get it–you don’t like the Tea Party. You agree with Socialism, like to pretend Global Warming is real, and think that illegal immigration is just groovy. The fact that your views are in the minority in America seems to be lost in your close inner circle of Tattooine bar-goers.

I found this video on Huffington Post (no surprise there) but I encourage you to go on the site now and then just to read the posts. It is very enlightening about how silly members of the Left happen to be.

I commented on the lady saying how great Socialism is because everyone loves Social Security and Medicare, saying that the woman should have added that both programs are going broke. Of course, the denialists tried to dispute that fact. Sorry guys, but your brand of Government is pushing us a little closer to Grecian-style bankruptcy every day.

I encourage you to watch this video with your friends and try to pick out the special interest groups they are trying to target; It might make a good party game in the very least.


One video that sums up why we must deport all illegals

I pity the students of this teacher in Las Angeles, as he is probably President Obama’s wet dream–namely a teacher who is actively indoctrinating his students into radical communist revolutionaries.

You’ve heard the arguments: Compassion, We cannot deport 20 million people, they do the “Work that Americans won’t do”–but the truth is that we are allowing a dangerous movement to erupt in America–namely letting in a foreign body of people who believe that America is theirs.

I will be surprised if you find this video on anything but FOX, because it tells us all we need to know. Illegals are in this country illegally, they are talking about revolution, they are talking about violence, and they are proud Communists.

Can you imagine Liberals being as eager in support of “the Race” (La Raza, a pro-illegal immigrant group) if that group was a “whites only” organization? Yet they are all too happy to support racism here.

Some select quotes:

“Why is it that these frail, racist white people want to keep us out of the country?” (I think he answers his own question)

“…at the forefront of the Revolutionary movement is La Raza…” (I’m sure)

This dude also happily talks about his “Commandante” Fidel Castro. This is how far Left this guy is.

He talks about Che Gueverra’s “Domino theory” where every nation would become Communist. (Just to inform this “teacher”–Che Gueverra tried to take his “revolution” to Bolivia, asking his men to fight to the death. They did, but when Che was captured hiding in a hole, he was found with an unfired pistol and wailed, “Don’t kill me, I’m Che–I’m worth too much alive. They killed him.)

What we are seeing is a slow erosion of borders and American culture allowed by both parties for their own empowerment. But at some point, to quote the teacher in this video, those people will decide that this is their country (Mexico) not ours.

He says he wants Revolution. My response? Bring it on, bitch.


If you are a Muslim student, it’s ok to call for a Holocaust

In a speech given at the University of California San Diego, David Horowitz is asked a barely disguised question by a member of the “Muslim Student’s Association” (MSA).

Horowitz plays this well, as his first question is, “Do you condemn Hamas?”. When the student refuses to answer, it is pretty obvious that she is one of the Jew-haters. It is very powerful how tolerant Liberal colleges are of downright racial hatred as long as it comes from a group that a) They fear and b) goes against the Presidential “war on terror” by George W Bush.

The dirty little secret is that the Left is filled with hypocrites and cowards. This was exposed when Comedy Central censored an episode of “South Park” where Muhammed was depicted disguised in a bear suit.

When the Left talks about free speech, they don’t really mean it. They mean “condoned and acceptable Liberal speech”. And since a pretty fair number on the Left hold now love for Jews or Israel, this young lady’s hate speech is deemed acceptable.

Would a member of a White Supremacist group be allowed to study at any University if they were to call for a new Holocaust? While many of the Left would probably agree with them, if ever so slightly, they would immediately expel that student. Why? Because they do not fear “white America” and further, they have been told that said groups are not considered Leftist enough for them. Even if said group was all Democrats, it wouldn’t be tolerated. The PR is just too much for even them.

The Left will expose their anti-Semitism via code words such as “Zionist” or “Neo-Conservative”. When you hear or read these words, they are code words for “Jew”.

What’s funny is that this woman actually promotes, “Hitler youth week” during her question. Is she really so different from David Duke or members of the Aryan nation? No, their goals are the same.

Horowitz brings the event and question to a head when he asks the woman if she agrees with the head of Hezbollah, who said he wishes that the “Jews would move to Israel so it would save them the time hunting them down”. He then said, loudly, “For it, or Against it??” And she responded, “For it”. In other words, she agreed that she wants all the Jews in one spot so they can be exterminated.

This is a very telling video. What it tells us is that their is a very virulent bunch of Muslims living in our own nation that hate Israel, hate Jews, and in turn hate that nation’s greatest ally, the United States. The media will not show this clip to you, nor will the President talk about it–it would dispel their fantasy about the “Religion of Peace”.

We are slowly lulling ourselves to sleep and awaiting the next attack. I fear that it will come sooner rather than later.


Cinco de mayo actually a beer promotion?

A recent eighteen minute interview by Laura Ingraham with the parents of two of the three students who were told they had to turn their shirts, which were emblazoned with the American flag, inside out, or remove them all together to not offend Mexican students.

The interview is pretty interesting. Apparently the assistant Principal told the parents that several “European” students had approached him to say that if he didn’t deal with the students wearing the patriotic shirts there would be “drama”. Oh really–drama? Was this a veiled threat of violence against students who were daring enought to wear American colors on a faux holiday?

Faux holiday, you say? Yes, it is a fake holiday.

Some things you might want to know about Cinco De Mayo:

1. It isn’t the Mexican Independence day. Mexico’s independence day is called “Grito de Dolores” and is celebrated on September 16th. It commemorates the declaration of war with the Spaniards in 1810.
What does Cinco de mayo have to do with that? Absolutely nothing.

2. Cinco De Mayo is not a Mexican Holiday, but rather an American one. Few people celebrate the holiday in Mexico, but it is a time when Americans can get wasted on Mexican beer and stuff themselves with burritos for no other reason than boredom.

3. Cinco De Mayo was promoted by the Island of Malta (no, it is not associated with Mexico) that produces “Corona Extra”. It seems that Corona felt that it was an ingenious marketing scheme to promote Cinco De Mayo, and it has worked out marvelously for them.

So basically, Cinco De Mayo is an American holiday which has very little to do with Mexico. So is it wrong to wear an American flag-based t-shirt on cinco? Of course not. Does everyone have to wear green on St Patricks day? Does everyone have to wear red, white, and blue on the 4th of July?

Their is little tolerance on the Left. They wish to bring down this nation from within. The first step is indoctrinating our citizens into cowering into submission by outlawing Christian/Judaic values, and by promoting multi-culturalism over Americanism. To defy the Liberal cabal is to be excommunicated.


Stinky Hippies vandalize, mainstream media ignores

Imagine the scene: The Tea Party, so angered by the issues important to them, march to their local capital building en masse. They spraypaint “Obama sucks” and profanities on the walls, and smash windows in local businesses. They scream and wail like loonies as the Police come in to arrest them, and leave garbage in their wake that takes hours for city employees to clean up.

And the media all but ignores them.

Of course, this scenario has never happened with the Tea Party. But it did happen recently as self described “anarchists” stormed the city of Olympia, Washington.

First of all, let me clarify that the disheveled hippies in the above videos may call themselves Anarchists, but they are actually Socialists. True anarchy would lead to the death of most of them. Notice that they talk about banning oil and coal, about the evils of money, and how they hate business. Basically, these are Obama’s “people”. This is why they were ignored.

Shouting “Si Se Puede” (Spanish for “Yes we can”–remember that phrase?) the throng of dirty and unkempt radicals streamed through Olympia, showing the other side across from the Tea Party–the true radicals.

Just as people forgot what it meant to have a Leftist in the Whitehouse, some have forgotten how nutty these cretins are. They are the same people who have in the past vandalized auto dealerships in California, have burned down housing projects because they don’t like rich folk, and have thrown urine and feces on soldiers returning from Vietnam.

Bill Clinton can slur the Tea Party by saying it’s members are filled with hatred, but the true haters are on the Left, and always have been.

And while these people have yet to take power, their older brethren have. The Global warming movement is nothing more than an attempt to steal from the taxpayers while shutting down petroleum and coal producers. The attack and nationalization of the banking system is by people who fundamentally disagree with “wealth” unless it is their wealth. President Obama recently said, “Isn’t there a point where you have enough money?” What he means by this isn’t aimed at himself or the “chosen elite” but is toward every man, woman, and child who are the gears in the machine of Socialism.

So you know that when they take up the case of Arizona’s law to stop illegal immigration, that the law must be just, because they are always so completely wrong.

It is amazing how little these people have changed since the 60’s. The only difference is that they have one of their own in the Whitehouse.


Tell Tale Signs of incompetence and the Times Square bomber

Youtube clip: The individual shown is apparently Faisal Shahzad, and the media described him as a “furtive white male”. Notice that this supports the assertion that the media is trying to constantly help the Obama administration in it’s attempt to demonize the Tea Party and other groups opposed to the President’s policies.

The attempted bombing in New York City’s Times Square should be a warning: The Obama Administration is horribly incompetent in dealing with terrorism.

Just look at the facts:

For the past few months, the administration has refused to talk about terrorism. Instead, they have dubbed such acts as “man-caused disaster”. So, in reality, all Obama’s men take the “See no evil, say no evil” tact on the grim reality that terrorism is real. Why? there are multiple reasons. One is that the Obamists want to distance themselves from George W Bush’s tenacious “war on terror”. President Bush justly took the belief that terrorism was a huge problem, and decided it was important to battle the problem on all fronts. President Obama refuses to do so, thinking that his great oratory powers will be enough to convince Islam that we are not the enemy. The President’s own base, the radical Left, also hates President Bush so much that they are blinded to reality.

The President has also exposed his weakness to the world by constant refusal to deal with “bad players” in the world, like Iran and North Korea. The simple fact that while this whole episode happened, Iranian “President” Mahmoud Ahmadinijad was speaking in New York City. This alone is a sign of weakness, since Ahmadinijad has been so open about his belief in destroying Isreal should Iran be able to secure a nuclear weapon. Obama’s response to this rhetoric? To demonize Israel about settlements in it’s own capital of Jerusalem. Again, this reeks of weakness and concession.

Much has been made of President Bush’s use of the Patriot Act to “listen in” on communications between Americans calling countries leading the pack in terrorism. Now we know why. The suspect, Faisal Shahzad, 30, is a naturalized American citizen who recently traveled to Pakistan and was communicating to others in that country from our soil. Had his communications been monitored, this event may have been caught before it got to this stage. And we should take no comfort by the fact that this act did not end in tragedy, it easily could have. No thanks to the Obama administration for their inaction.

There is also the case of the Fort Hood shooting by Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. After 9/11, it seems that an attempt has been made to “prove our goodness” in the miltary by pushing political correctness. Hassan was known to be lazy, radical, and was so bold about his Islamic beliefs his own business card had S.O.A. (soldier of Allah) emblazoned on it. Instead of drumming Hassan out of the military, which would have happened to any non-Islamic military member with his level of incompetence, he was allowed to stay and even promoted.

The Obama Administration has also denied a request to get to the bottom of the ignorance (or refusal to deal with) Hassan’s increasingly bizarre presence in our country’s defense system. Can you say, “Cover up”?

There is also the issue of “profiling” which the Left is constantly harping about. Israel uses profiling to stop terrorism, and does so unabashedly. What is wrong with recognizing that most terrorists come from certain groups? To the Left, and Obama and he is people are the Left, it is “fair” to search small caucasion children and aging black paraplegic women in equal proportion to 30 yo Islamic males who travel to Pakistan. This is foolish, and in time will be deadly.

There is also the use of the word “terror” improperly to demonize President Obama’s opponents, namely the Tea Party. Recently, the militia group known as “The Hutaree” was arrested for a plot to attack the Police and govt. Sure, if this were true, it would be a reason for their arrest. But it was the concern of a “true Liberal” Judge, US District Judge Victoria Roberts, about the seeming lack of actually ability or action to carry out an attack, that lead her to release them on bail recently. Remember that this arrest happened very close to Tea Party demonstrations, in unison with statements by President Bill Clinton about concerns about “violence” and “domestic terror”. Obviously, this arrest was timed for political effect.

So, while we are seeing obvious attempts to attack our nation from within by Islamic radicals, we are either ignoring these attempts or trying to divert America’s attention to groups opposed to the President’s destructive Socialist agenda.
